Project Description


Bone mineral densitometry or bone mineral density test (BMD) is a noninvasive procedure that utilizes low-dose ionizing radiation to assess bone loss, osteoporosis and risk of a bone fracture. Bone mineral density test is usually recommended for older patients but is also done on children with growth disorders, metabolic diseases and cachectic disorders among other conditions. BMD test helps in the early detection of osteoporosis, osteopenia and provides an estimate of 10-year fracture risk in patients aged 40-90 years.

BMD services include:

  • AP Spine/femur – (Standard BMD)

  • Sarcopenia assessment

  • TBS – Trabecular bone score

  • AHA – Advanced hip assessment

  • Body composition (basic and advanced)

  • DVA – Dual vertebral assessment

  • Orthopedic Hip

  • Pediatric assessment (AP spine/femur/dual femur/total body)


Monday – Friday 8:30 – 4:30
Saturday 8:30 – 12:00
Sunday Closed
